Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Alert!  Another Desert Dog Danger Update!
Monsoon season is here and so is another desert danger we see.  The Desert
(Bufo) Toad.  They come out in this more humid weather, generally in the
evening and their numbers wax and wane every year and it seems we have a
bunch in 2015.  I remember 12 years ago it was raining toads here, or so it
seemed like.  I was enjoying dinner outside at a local Cave Creek
restaurant and noticed these large creatures encompassing the patio dining
area.  they are chubby, squatty and unseemly large, measuring up to 7
inches in diameter!  They have a deadly neurotoxin on their skin.  Curious
Canines who get a taste of this toad (Usually at night) will start to
salivate excessively and in no time can be having life-threatening
seizures.  Here is what you need to do.  First - If you suspect toad
poisoning, immediately begin to rinse your dogs mouth with water for
several minutes, diluting the toxin in their mouth.  Then head straight to
your Veterinarian for pro-active care.  The Emergency Animal Clinic on
Scottsdale Road and Williams has expert critical care specialists who know
how to handle these cases if severe.

Brett the Vet's desert danger ranking for the Desert Toad is 4.5/5 on the
desert danger scale because these creatures seem innocuous, are a less
frequent visitor and we don't think about them as being a threat like we do

Have Fun.  Be Safe!
Brett the Vet

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Safety at Arizona Animal Hospital

Turtleskin is a company I got to know when I needed bite protection from
rattlesnakes.  Snakebites are a threat mostly in the warmer months for
people and pets.   We wear their snake pants and gaiters to protect us when
outdoors, enjoying our beautiful Sonoran desert.  Naturally we looked to
them for protection in our veterinary hospital when handling sharps like
needles and to aid us when working with feral cats and rescue cats.  We are
thankful for their support of our industry and our hospital.  For our
friends in the industry, I have found these products to be superior for the
safe-handling of fractious ferals.  We like to talk about these things
because we take workplace safety seriously.  Its good for employees, its
good for pets.  It one part of a full on approach to make our hospital
safer, cleaner, and friendlier.  Next week we will start covering in more
detail some of the new technologies we are bringing to the area, educating
our friends and consumers, sharing our best thinking in effort to make more
pets healthier and pet owners happier.

Sticking with this weeks theme, I want to wish everyone a safe and happy
4th of July.

Until next time
Brett the Vet